M7 Crossover Stories

A Crossover story takes characters from one TV show (or other medium) and mixes them with another show within the world that one or the other show exists in, and sometimes both. For example, the Seven have been written rubbing shoulders in the Old West, modern times and the future with the characters from The Wild, Wild West, Bonanza, the A-Team, Highlander, Stargate, and many, many more. Sometimes the Seven are from the Old West, sometimes from other alternate universes like the ATF AU. Sometimes they are written as part of an existing universe, like Star Trek. Basically a crossover story acknowledges the fact that other fictional characters exist in the same world as our boys. It's fun to see sparks fly when Chris butts heads with other alpha males or Buck tries to woo our favorite strong-willed female characters.

Some standard M7 Crossovers include the Stargate series, Highlander, The Sentinel, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, just to mention a few. I tend to stick to the shows I feel most comfortable writing. The stories listed here take the boys to new and unexpected territory. Some of these stories are also listed under my Alternate Universe page because although I have based the stories in another fandom, they are uniquely M7 and don't necessarily follow the rules of the other fandom. Also, you probably won't see canon characters from the other fandom in those AU stories, where as with my Crossover stories, I try to keep to the rules of the crossover universe and the boys are actively interacting with the characters in that world.

Stories by JudyL

Make It Or Break It Crossover

  • Fragmented - (367 kb) M7 crossover with Make It Or Break It (1-13-13) - Ten years after a bust gone horribly wrong, Team 7 finally meets Steve Tanner.

The Sentinel Crossovers

Seven Dragons AU (Anne McCaffrey's Pern Crossovers)

  • Seven Dragons - (103 kb) M7 crossover with Anne McCaffrey's Pern (6-4-07)

  • Fragile Dragon Wings - (60 kb) answer to a 'finish this story' challenge from the Vin F&D list. (05-03-09)

Immortal Seven AU (Highlander The Series Crossovers)

Last updated 17.5.2014