ATF Team 7
The ATF universe was created by MOG. In it, the Seven are ATF agents based out of Denver, Colorado in modern day. MOG did a wonderful job laying the groundwork and it is one of the fundamental alternate universes in M7 fandom. If you are unfamiliar with the ATF AU or MOG's stories, please check them out here.
Of course, being a writer as well, I couldn't leave well enough alone... I borrowed on MOG's ATF universe and took off from there. These are my ATF stories. Hope you enjoy.
A star indicates author favorite. Just try it, you might like it.
Stories by JudyL
Understanding Ezra Series

Stand Alone Stories
- 12 Days of Christmas - M7 Style - (17kb) It's the 12 Days of Christmas. (12-14-14)
- Stormy Weekend - (17kb) Vin chat challenge: It was a dark and stormy night, or weekend... (7-12-20)
- Gilded Cage - (19kb) Ezra's stuck by himself (6-13-20)
- Voices in the Dark - (32kb) JD gets unwanted advice (9-10-14)
- Never Surrender - (45kb) Vin's stuck with an assignment he doesn't want (2-2-14)
- In a Flash - (22kb) Buck and JD can't get into trouble fishing... can they? (7-6-13)
- It's How You Ask - (61kb) The Judge needs volunteers, but things don't go quite as well as he'd hoped. (12-15-12)
- A "Fine" Bust? - (53kb) Round Robin for the Vin F&D list written by JudyL, Rhiannon, Mariah, Amelia and Mary Ann. (July 2012)
- Immortal Ponderings - (55kb) Highlander crossover - The boys contemplate longevity. (3-1-12)
- Say What? - (36kb)Buck and JD disagree. (3-1-12)
- Par for the Course - (26kb) A day off and an unusual past-time. (3-1-12)
- Plan of Attack - (43kb) The boys take a cruise. (3-1-12)
- Off the Cuff - (30kb) Ezra has to convince Vin it's the right decision. (6-1-11)
- Thinking Outside the Box - (33kb) A suspicious package arrives for Vin. (12-28-10)
- Accidents Will Happen - (76kb) Round Robin - Are they boys jinxed? (7-28-10)
- Meant To Be - (70kb) Round Robin - the boys have to race against time to save a family. (7-28-10)
- Memos - (37kb) The boys can't believe what Human Resources wants now. (7-28-10)
- Evaluate This! - (55kb) Round Robin - Theme: Questions and Answers (7-28-10)
- Seeing Stars - (30kb) A rescue mission doesn't go quite as expected. A 1 hour fic challenge. (3-15-10)
- Bullets - (65kb) Round Robin - multiple authors. (1-27-10)
- Jokers Wild - (15kb) Ezra and Vin just don't know when to stop. (9-1-09)
- Pearls - (4kb) Vin needs a little help. (9-1-09)
- Tangled Web - (9kb) Things go wrong at a bust and Ezra's not happy. (9-1-09)
- FUBAR! - (29kb) The boys are relaxing after a case. (4-1-09)
- Acronymity - (8kb) The guys find a solution to using too many words. (2-18-08)
Custos Venatio (Sentinel Hunt) - (348kb) An M7 ATF/Sentinel/SG1 crossover based in my world. (2-18-08)
The Seven's Sentinel - (455 kb) An M7 ATF/Sentinel crossover based in my world. (04-05-07)
Quarantine a la Seven - (48kb) A story based on the CHiPs episode "Quarantine" (2-28-07)
House of Cards - (75kb) Sequel to The Chronicler's story "52" (10-10-06)
Past Relations - An M7 ATF/Sentinel crossover. (4-16-06)
- Old West Stories
- Understanding Ezra Series
- Missing Scenes
- Crossover Stories
- Alternate Universe Stories
- Immortal Seven stories
- M7 Art/Collages
- The Sentinel Index
Back to Story Index
These stories are based on the television series The Magnificent Seven. All characters, places, and objects from The Magnificent Seven belong to CBS, MGM, Trilogy Entertainment Group, The Mirisch Corp.
I also borrow from the ATF AU, created by MOG. What a wonderful adaptation. I strongly encourage those new to the fandom to check out MOG's groundwork. No money is being made.
The stories are offered for the enjoyment of all with sincere thanks to the creators of the original.
These stories are from my own head. I am responsible for any and all parts, good or bad. Thanks to Cheryl for beta reading them for me, but I still have to take credit for any errors. If something doesn't quite fit with the "real" world or even the "M7" world, it's my fault. Hope you enjoy them anyway.
I also borrow from the ATF AU, created by MOG. What a wonderful adaptation. I strongly encourage those new to the fandom to check out MOG's groundwork. No money is being made.
The stories are offered for the enjoyment of all with sincere thanks to the creators of the original.
These stories are from my own head. I am responsible for any and all parts, good or bad. Thanks to Cheryl for beta reading them for me, but I still have to take credit for any errors. If something doesn't quite fit with the "real" world or even the "M7" world, it's my fault. Hope you enjoy them anyway.