Contemplating Fate

By JudyL

May 16, 2010


Turning on his cassette player, Blair cranked up the music as he contemplated fate.

How could he convince Jim Ellison to work with him?

Even Blair had to admit his initial approach had been lame.

Shoving his card at the detective and telling him to ‘see the man’ was not the way he’d wanted to introduce himself to the first true sentinel he’d ever met.

Ellison had looked at him like he was insane, and Blair wasn’t sure he could argue with him at this point.

Never one to be pessimistic, Blair considered ways he might still be able to work with this sentinel.

Taking the direct approach, presenting the facts and letting Ellison make up his own mind seemed the best route.

In a man with Ellison’s background, truth would be appreciated more than any obfuscation.

Never-the-less, Blair was at something of a loss as to where to start.

Earthy tones came from his speakers and Blair twisted in his chair to turn up the volume.

Little did he know that the source of his dilemma was about to walk through his door.


Feedback is appreciated. JudyL
