
By JudyL

November 15, 2003

The guys want to go on vacation, but don't exactly get the results they wanted. So what else is new? <g>

Disclaimer: They can stay with me anytime.


"Jim, come on man, you haven't packed yet. We have a vacation to get started. Let's go," Blair said bouncing out of his room with suitcases in both hands.

"Uh, Chief?"

"Yeah, Jim, doesn't our flight leave at 2?"

"Well… not exactly."

Blair stopped and turned to look at his partner. "What do you mean, not exactly? Is the flight delayed?"


"Well, what's the problem? We don't want to be late."

"We're not going."

"What! We've been planning this trip for weeks. The tickets, the hotel, everything. What happened? Simon didn't call did he? He promised…"

"No, not Simon."

Blair joined Jim on the couch where the older man sat, slumped in defeat. "What happened Jim?" the Guide asked suddenly aware that something was really wrong.

"They canceled our flight."

"Why?" Blair looked out the window. "The weather's fine. Bomb scare? Hostage situation? What?"

"No. Us."


"They canceled our tickets and gave us a refund. They were afraid to let us on the plane, Chief."


Jim shrugged. "Said something about their insurance carrier and high risk flyers. Anyway, I figured, no sweat, we'll just take the train. It'll take a little longer, but we have two weeks off."

"Oh. Great, so when do we catch the train?"

"We don't."

Blair stared at his friend realization sinking in quickly. "They wouldn't sell us tickets either?!"

Jim shook his head forlornly. "And the rental car agency refused to give us a loaner."

Sandburg sank further into the couch mirroring his partner's defeated posture.

"We could just drive the truck up there," Jim said hesitantly.

"Maybe we should just take this as a sign and stay home," Blair replied quietly.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea," the Sentinel said meeting his Guide's worried eyes.

"Right. A quiet two weeks at home sounds really good," Blair rallied. "Who knows what we just avoided by not leaving town."

Jim groaned.


"Well, you just had to go and say that, didn't you? Now the trouble will find us for sure."


"We could get a hotel room in town," Blair offered.

Jim stood and went to the fridge for a couple of beers. "Naw, it's too late now. Might as well enjoy whatever quiet time we have." He returned to the couch and handed Blair a bottle.

Blair nodded forlornly and picked up the remote. "What ya wanna watch?"

Ellison shrugged. "Something interruptible."

Sandburg nodded and selected a channel.

"What do you think it will be, Jim?"


"The "trouble." What do you think it will be?"

"Oh, who knows? Doesn't really matter, does it? At least we'll be here in Cascade with backup readily available. A hospital and doctors that know us. Our own beds. Let's not obsess over the little things."

Blair chuckled. He took a swig of his beer. "Little things." Chuckle. Chuckle.

Beside him, Jim snorted bringing beer up through his nose.

Blair laughed. "At least I have you to keep me entertained."

Jim wiped his face. A disgusted look formed and stayed there as he realized that beer was not meant to be inhaled, or exhaled in this case.

"Ah man," chuckle, smirk, "that's priceless," Blair laughed unable to control himself.

"Bleh! I don't think I'll ever be able to drink this brand again!" Jim wrinkled his nose in disgust. "It's like I have a bottle of the stuff stuck up my nose. Come on, Chief," he pleaded, his eyes watering, "help me out here."

Chuckle. "Sorry, Jim. You should see the look on your face though." Blair thought for a second. "Only thing to do is flush your sinuses and get every drop of beer out of there, man."

Jim rolled his eyes but stood and headed for the bathroom. "I think I'd rather face bad guys with uzis."

Blair laughed turning back to the TV. "Hope that's the worst thing we come up against this vacation."

The end?



This really wasn't meant to be a long story, not even as long as it turned out. I was browsing for something to read and saw another "downed helicopter/plane/add own transport" story and this just sort of popped into my head.

Feedback keeps the stories coming, please let me know what you think. Judy
