Super Heroes

By JudyL

October 15, 2004

Okay, gotta admit, this one was inspired by the news that Christopher Reeve had died. His courage and will to live is an inspiration. He truly was Superman.

Warnings: Nope, but don't expect anything too serious.

Disclaimers: Not mine, just borrowing.

Thanks as always to Cheryl for betaing. All misteaks r mine<g>.


Jim Ellison handed his partner, Blair Sandburg a beer as he took a seat on the couch beside him. "So what you're telling me is that you think all the super heroes are based on legends of Sentinels?"

Blair nodded. "Well, most of them, yeah. I mean, think about it Jim. Most super heroes have at least one ability that could represent heightened senses."

"What about the Incredible Hulk?" Jim countered.

Sandburg's eyes widened. "Well…" he said a bit disconcerted, "you do have that whole 'out of control' anger thing going on when you're in Blessed Protector overdrive."

Jim grunted. "Okay, I'll give you that one. How 'bout Wonder Woman?"

"Oh that's easy," Blair said with a wave of his hand. "She's got the Lariat of Truth. Lie detector, man."

Ellison grimaced, but nodded his acceptance. "Spiderman," he challenged.

Blair frowned as he thought for a second. "Have to go with touch on that one."


Sandburg rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on Jim. Just think about that one for a second… The old Ellison glare?"

"Oh, right…" Jim mumbled wracking his brain for another example. "What about Batman? He doesn't have any super powers."

"True," Blair replied grinning as he twirled his beer bottle between his fingers. "But all of those cool gadgets give him the same advantages… and he had a guide in Robin."

"All right, Boy Wonder," Jim teased determined to find some super hero that wouldn't have a connection to Sentinels, "Adam Ant," he said smugly.

"Come on Jim," Blair protested, "he's a cartoon character."

"So are these others," Ellison argued.

"But he's an ANT!"

"'k," Jim grinned evilly, "Underdog or Mighty Mouse.

"Don't make me start comparing your senses to those of a dog's or some other four legged critter, Jim," Blair threatened playfully.

Ellison pursed his lips then straightened triumphantly. "Aquaman!"

Blair rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay, let me think here…"

"Gotcha," Jim asserted.

"No, no, just wait a second…" Sandburg waved his hand. "Hearing. He could hear whale song, some of those pitches are beyond normal human hearing… and probably touch too." Blair grinned and challenged Ellison with his eyes.

Jim licked his lips as he mentally listed various super heroes in his head. Captain America… nah, Superman… uh uh…

"You see Jim," Blair continued, "it's not so much even just the enhanced senses. You have a lot of the same qualities as the super heroes… A strict moral code. A willingness to risk your own safety, even your life, in the service of good, without any expectation of reward."

"Those are attributes that a lot of people have, Sandburg, yourself included. Doesn't make you a Sentinel," Jim argued, "or a super hero," he added with a teasing grin.

"True," Blair agreed, "but that's beside the point. My theory is that many super hero stories have a basis in anecdotal tales about Sentinels. The true abilities and personality quirks of the Sentinel may have been lost to time, but they show up as the 'super' abilities in our modern day heroes."

"So how do you explain the tights, capes," Jim ticked off each point on his fingers, "masks, secret identities, bat caves…"

Blair's grin widened. "You have a secret identity of sorts," he insisted to Jim's grimace. "Well, it's not like you go around telling everyone you meet that you're a Sentinel."

"Yeah," Jim agreed reluctantly. "But I refuse to wear tights." He shrugged. "A cape might be nice though," he added, the twinkle in his eye belying his casual tone as he took a swig from his beer.

"There are a few other things you have in common," Blair continued pretending to ignore Jim's light banter. "You have 'enemies,' maybe not an arch-enemy, like Lex Luthor or the Joker, but we've got a few that would no doubt love to string us up."

"That's the key right there, Tonto, 'us.' They'd like to string us up," Jim said tipping the beer bottle toward Blair to emphasize his point.

Blair chuckled. "I don't usually consider the Lone Ranger in the same category, but that does bring up the side kick, or as I prefer, partner."

Jim grinned. "Superman didn't have a partner."

"No," Blair countered, "but he had Lois Lane. She was always there to back him up… get the dirt on the latest bad guy… save him from Kryptonite…"

Ellison sighed. "It sure would be nice to have him around to keep an eye on you, Olsen."

Sandburg stuck out his tongue. "Thanks, Jim," he retorted then got a thoughtful look on his face. "But I don't think he'd stay in Cascade if he were real and a Sentinel."

"Why not?"

"I don't think he'd want to encroach on your territory," Blair replied seriously. "Besides, you do a pretty super job keeping me safe all by yourself Jim. Who needs a red cape and tights?"

"No tights," the Sentinel growled, "and the cape would probably just get in the way," he said with a flick of his wrist. "But the whole flying part would be cool."

"Uh uh! No way!" Blair stated firmly, dark curls flying as he shook his head in denial.

"Why not?"

"Then, I, as your faithful companion, would have to fly too, and you know how I am about heights."

"But I thought that was part of your job description," Jim pouted, "following your partner into danger, protecting my back, no matter where I lead."

Blair glared at his Sentinel. "I am the Guide here, Ellison, and don't you forget it. No flying!"

Jim just grinned.

Sandburg growled low in his throat realizing how silly the conversation was getting, but at the same time determined not to let Jim win. At least not on the flying issue.

The sudden sly look on Blair's face gave Jim scant warning of the coming rebuttal. "You realize that you have to wear tights when you fly, don't you Jim?" Sandburg asked, his face the picture of serious concern.

Jim's eyes narrowed. "Why's that?" he asked suspiciously.

"Aerodynamics, man," Blair replied slicing his hand through the air in imitation of a flying object. "Close fitting garments cut down on friction."

Ellison closed his eyes for a moment. Damn, he's got me there. Then he grinned evilly. "Okay, but if I've got to wear them, so do you."

Blair covered his face with his hands and let out a frustrated "ARGH!"

"I think that's Charlie Brown, Chief. Definitely not a super hero."

Sandburg looked up, acceptance of his defeat clear on his face. "Fine," he said softly though amusement laced his voice, "you go ahead and fly, wear the tights. I'll follow like the good little partner I am, even wear my own set of tights." Blair leaned back against the couch with a dramatic sigh as he shook his head sadly.

"What?" Jim asked, knowing Blair had one last salvo.

"It's just sad, man," Blair said drawing it out for all it was worth.


"Well, it takes a lot of work to look good in tights, Jim," Blair drawled, enjoying his final assault.

"Yeah, so?" Ellison prodded suspiciously.

"I know how much you're going to hate giving it up," he continued, "I just hope flying is worth it to you."

"Give what up, Junior?" Jim growled.

Blair reached over and patted Jim on the stomach, "Wonderburger," he said as he bolted off the couch to avoid retribution.

Jim stared at his friend for a brief second then burst out laughing.

Blair grinned at him from across the room and started to chuckle himself as he realized Jim wasn't going to retaliate. He rejoined the chortling Sentinel on the couch just barely rescuing Jim's beer from spilling as the older man held his sides against the laughter.

"Uncle, Chief," Jim gasped between chuckles. "You win. No flying…"

Blair laughed and shook his head. "You're too easy, Jim."

Jim wiped his eyes with one hand and retrieved his beer with the other. "Don't get between a man and his Wonderburger," he growled unconvincingly.

Sandburg chuckled.

"I'm surprised though, Chief," Jim returned fire. "The women sure do seem to like their super heroes in tights… I would have thought you'd jump on the chance to add a few names to your little black book," he added slyly.

The silence from the man next to him caused Jim to sneak a look at Blair's face.

Blair met his gaze. "You know, Jim…" he said slowly. "Maybe… well, I think I'd like to reconsider…"

Jim grabbed the pillow beside him and bopped Blair upside the head receiving a blow himself not half a second later. His partner then bounced up off the couch keeping a hold on his weapon and heading for more ammo.

"Oh no you don't," Jim said launching himself at the other couch as well. He managed to snag two of the pillows, taking hits from Blair the entire time.

After a brief pillow war, it was much too serious to be called a 'fight,' the pair fell breathlessly back onto the couch, chuckling occasionally. A companionable silence filled the loft as they recovered.

"Maybe that's what the cape is for," Jim finally said.

"What's that?"

"To hide the sagging muscles and pot belly," Jim replied.

Blair laughed out loud as Jim ruffled his hair. "Okay, Jim, okay. We'll make sure to get the really billowy capes with our tights, then you can have your Wonderburger."

Jim chuckled. "Thanks Chief."

"No problem, Jim. It's the side kick's job to watch his partner's back, or in this case love handles."

Jim tapped him on the forehead. "Not for that, Olli."

Blair blinked. "What then?" he asked.

"For being willing to watch my back, no matter what," Jim said sincerely.

Sandburg smiled. "That's what friends are for, Jim."

The end


In memory of Christopher Reeve, a real super hero.


Feedback is greatly appreciated and encourages the muse. Judy

