…But for the Grace of God

A Stargate SG1 and Sentinel Crossover


By CherylR

February 14, 2005


Okay, here's the deal.  This is a Stargate/Sentinel crossover story.  It has the potential to be the start of a new AU series for me… I've already got ideas for two or three other stories.  This one has more SG people than TS people, but Jim and Blair play a key part in the story.  Warning:  This is a death story.  Everybody dies.  Sort of.  It's the Star Trek 'Mirror, Mirror' version of Stargate. This is an alternate, alternate reality of an alternate… oh never mind.  You just have to read it.


I started out with the idea to take the SG ep 'There but for the Grace of God" and have it flow with Jim and Blair added in for spice.  Sounds good in theory but I couldn't find a site where I could get a word for word transcript of the ep. (If you know of one… please don’t tell me now.)  It took a while to sit down and type what they said as they said it.  Then I went back and read it…  Wow, you know what sounds good as you are watching it on TV sounds completely different when you look at it on paper, or in this case a computer screen.  So with lots of help from Judy, we started tweaking the dialog and adding flavor to the story.  I also completely moved some of the scenes around, so if you really know your Stargate eps, this might bother you.


I have to say thanks to another beta and patient answerer of all things SG, Clara.  She helped find answers to some things that were puzzling me.  Enough chitchat… on to the story.


A little note from the beta: stick with this, Cheryl's followed the actual SG1 episode minute by minute (and a fine job she's done too), the boys are in here, but don't show up right away. As Cheryl said this story is a starting point in a new series and so even though it's probably more a SG1 story with Sentinel xo than a Sentinel story with a SG1 xo, it's still well done. Consider it a rewrite of the SG1 ep with a Sentinel twist. The next story will be TS. Ok, now back to your regularly scheduled reading. Judy





Jack stepped through the Stargate into a large, dimly lit room.  His team spread out behind him.  I don't even have to see them any more. I can almost feel where every member of my team is.  Jack rolled his eyes.  And that is so not for general knowledge.  He dropped his backpack on the steps, grabbed his flashlight and started scanning the room for possible danger.  He subconsciously noted that Teal'c and Carter were doing the same. Daniel was looking too, but only for something interesting to look at.  Rocks. Jack thought with amusement.

"Good morning, Campers!"  Jack said as the gate shut down. Large pipes, tubes, and machinery of indeterminate purpose lined the walls and filled the room.  Boring.


Daniel turned on his camcorder and started to film the room.


"There is damage here,” Teal’c reported to O’Neill.  “It appears to have been done by Goa'uld weaponry. I do not believe this battle took place recently."

“No bodies," Jackson agreed as he continued to film the room.

"Daniel,” Carter called out. “Do you recognize any of these symbols?"


Jackson clicked off his camcorder and joined Carter in front of a strange device covered with symbols. "No. This place is definitely alien." Daniel fingered the device as he winced in dismay over his choice of words.   Sometimes it seemed he spoke without thinking at all.


The rest of SG-1 continued to look around.  Daniel glanced around the room then lifted his camera and resumed filming. "Wonder what’s behind curtain number two?"


Sam looked at Daniel and then pointed her flashlight in the direction Jackson was looking.


“Take Carter and check it out," O’Neill ordered as his beam landed on something interesting. What the… "Whoa-ho," he exclaimed, walking slowly toward the object. His flashlight illuminated an intimidating feline face carved into a tall metallic figure. "Teal'c, you ever see anything like this before?" Jack asked, tilting his head toward the metal object.


Teal’c turned and looked where O'Neill indicated, a frown of concern lined his face. “We must return to Earth as quickly as possible."

O’Neill glanced at the signpost and then back at Teal’c.  "Why? What is it?"

"It is the symbol of Korush-nai.  It is for any Goa'uld or Jaffa who may pass through the gate. Loosely translated it means, 'turn back'."

"Does it elaborate?" O’Neill asked.  Wordy guys those Goa'ulds.

"It is placed on worlds that Goa'uld destroyers have wiped out and left contaminated,” Teal’c stressed. “This planet’s entire surface will be, in your terms, radioactive."

"Awwww..." Jack groaned in disgust.

"No one will be left alive. This place is not safe," Teal'c added.




In another room


Jackson and Carter flicked off their flashlights as they entered a large, well-lit room. Numerous artifacts covered a long oval table that occupied the center of the room. Microscopes and other equipment sat on workbenches which lined the walls to either side of the table. Larger artifacts had been placed on the floor along the far wall.


Jackson could barely contain his excitement.  "I think this is a lab."

"How do you know?" Carter asked as she briefly turned away from her study of the schematics on the wall. 


If it looks like a lab and smells like a lab… must be a lab.  “These are all things they brought back through the Stargate to study. They're all tagged. This is a Turkenese mask,” Jackson’s hand hovered over the item. He picked up a metal necklace, then gestured at other items in turn as he continued to explain. “This is a clay cone from Lagash with cuneiform symbols on it."

"Carter, Daniel,” O’Neill called from the other room.

"We found a souvenir shop, sir," Carter reported, walking toward the two men as O'Neill and Teal'c entered the room.

"We're out of here,” O’Neill commanded.

"What?" Jackson yelped. "Why?  This place is a treasure chest of artifacts, from diverse human cultures."

”Daniel, I don't want to hear it,” O’Neill sighed, taking a brief look around. “Let's go."


Teal'c turned and left, followed closely by O’Neill. Sam gave Daniel a sympathetic look before following her commanding officer.

"You don't wanna hear it," Jackson repeated sarcastically. You never want to hear it, Jack.  He grimaced, then quickly removed his backpack and placed the mask and the clay cone inside.  Daniel started to move away when another object caught his eye. He lifted the silver, red and blue metallic item and ran a light finger over the polished surface.  As he touched the bottom of the item, a mirror appeared in a tall rock-like structure near the end of the table. Ah ha!


Daniel's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as he stuffed the item into his bag and hurried over to the mirror. He peered into it, but could only see an empty room. That's strange.  I don't have a reflection. He waved his hand back and forth in front of his face, trying to figure out what he was dealing with.

“Daniel!" O’Neill’s impatient voice drifted through the door. "We’re leaving. Let's go!"


But the words didn’t register with the fascinated archeologist. He slowly reached out toward the mirror.  As his hand came into contact with the surface a bright light burst out. Daniel flinched, jerked his hand back and closed his eyes for a moment before checking his hand for injuries. Whoa!


“Guys," Daniel yelled running back toward the gate room. "I need a hand with this thing. It's too heavy for me to move, but we have to take it..." he slid to a stop, "back."  Where is everybody? Jackson spun slowly around to take in the now empty room.


He patted his vest until he found his flashlight.  He turned it on and aimed its beam around the room. "Jack… Sam… Teal'c.…” He faced the Stargate, absorbing the sight of the dark, silent circle as if watching might make his friends reappear. "Oh I really hate it when this happens.” Jackson closed his eyes in dismay.  The lone member of SG-1 approached the DHD.  He sighed and started to press the symbols for Earth. Gods… What this time?  Why didn’t you wait Jack?  Are you okay? Daniel stomped up the ramp and entered the Stargate.






"Closing the iris," Davis said into the microphone.


Jackson turned as he exited the wormhole to see the protective iris spin shut. He shook his head and started to continue down the ramp only to stumble back in surprise at the sight before him.

Almost a dozen solders had weapons trained on him.

"Hands on your head! Now!” a sergeant growled.  “Or we will open fire!"


Daniel complied quickly, but with a frown of confusion.  "What's going on?" he demanded.

"Identify yourself!” the sergeant demanded in return.

"Daniel Jackson, SG-1." Daniel’s pulse started to return to normal after the doors to the gate room opened and Hammond walked in.  Man that was close… I'm so glad General Hammond is here.  What the heck is going on? "General, what's this all about?" Jackson asked.

"General?” Hammond snorted.  “You see stars anywhere on my uniform?"

"Colonel," the sergeant informed him, "he says he's with SG-1.”

"Colonel?" Jackson repeated, too dazed to resist as a different sergeant approached with a pair of handcuffs.


"How did you get an SG-1 remote iris de-activation device?" Hammond inquired as a sergeant cuffed Jackson’s hands behind his back.


"What are you talking about?" Jackson asked.


Suddenly the sound of sirens and flashing red lights filled the room.  Davis announced, “Unauthorized incoming travelers."


"Who the hell are you?" Hammond demanded again, ignoring the hubbub surrounding them.


Jackson stared at the gen… colonel. What the hell is going on here?




The Infirmary


Daniel stumbled into the infirmary as his two escorts guided him none too gently through the door. The three of them came to a halt near a man in a white coat who was preparing an injection.


"I am Dr. Daniel Jackson, SG-1. I need to see Jack O'Neill," Daniel informed the man, hoping to straighten out this mess.


The other men ignored him, physically lifting Jackson onto an examination table in front of an imaging machine as the doctor approached.


“Ask Sam Carter," Daniel said, shaken by their lack of response. "Come on.  I am not a Goa’uld.” Jackson shot a look at the doctor. “Don't give me that. Where is Dr. Fraiser?" he asked, growing more frantic. "Don't give me that! Aww." The doctor stuck the needle into Daniel's arm and depressed the plunger.


Daniel took a couple of deep breaths. "I am Dr. Daniel Jackson, I need to see Colonel O'Neill."

"You mean, General O'Neill?" the sergeant from the embarkation room asked sarcastically.


Has everyone gone insane? Daniel's head fell languidly to the side as the drug started to take effect. He frowned as a woman walked past the window. Dr. Langford? What the hell is going on? That was his last thought as darkness claimed him. 




Jackson slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times before he struggled into an upright position. What? Oh yeah. What time is it? He peered fuzzily around the room.  There were two sets of bunk beds and a table with a pair of glasses sitting on it. Oh goody, at least they gave me back my glasses.  He put them on and took a clear look around the room, then got up to try the door. Locked.  I guess it was just wishful thinking that this was all a bad dream.  He peered out the window and started to bang on the door.


"Hello?” Daniel yelled, kicking the door in frustration.  “I have to speak to someone!”  He beat on the door a few more times with his fist then shook his sore hand.  He turned away from the door in disgust. Fat lotta good violence is doing you, Danny-boy. He rubbed his stinging hand gently.  What do I do now?


He spun as the door opened and a very tired looking Dr. Catherine Langford walked into his ‘cell.’ "Catherine,” he said, surprised.  I guess that was her I saw earlier.

"You know me?" Catherine asked in surprise.

"Of course,” Daniel responded emphatically. “You don't know me?" he asked, seeing no recognition in the older woman's face.  Have I been taken by aliens? Did I hit my head? What's going on here? 

"Dr. Daniel Jackson, linguist.”  Langford referred to her notes and continued, “Ancient Egyptian Historian. Better known for some of the more radical ideas. At the moment I am more interested in how you came through my Stargate."

"How I...” Jackson adjusted his glasses to give himself a moment to think.  “Your Stargate? What the hell is going on here, Catherine?"

"I’d prefer you address me as Dr. Langford. You were wearing a remote device when you came through the gate. You had SG-1's code, how did you obtain it?"

"How did I... How do you think I did? I left from here, Stargate Command, today, a few hours ago. I went through on a mission to…to…” Daniel waved his hands in exasperation. “To P3R-233."

"What are you talking about?” Langford demanded.  “You have never been in this facility until now."

”Uh-huh, okay...um...”  When in doubt start at the beginning  "I," he stressed pressing his palms together as if in prayer, "figured out how to work the Stargate. You recruited me to translate the cartouche found in Giza," Daniel explained slowly and clearly, trying to make some sense of what was going on. "I went through on the first mission, through the Stargate, to Abydos. And unless the last two years have been some, wacky, wacky dream, I am a member of SG-1."


“Ha! Not as far as I’m concerned!" Langford snorted disparagingly.

"Wh... What?” Daniel sputtered.

Langford continued contemptuously. "I supervised the team that translated the cartouche found at Giza."

"You did?!" Jackson exclaimed in disbelief.

"I admit, we referenced your work occasionally,” Langford tossed him the proverbial bone. “I even went to meet you at one of your seminars to ask you to join us." She stared disgustedly at him. "But you said no."

"I did?" This is not happening.  This is not happening.

"You were quite rude actually,” she affirmed.

"I was?" Daniel repeated, unable to put more than two words together.  This has got to be a bad dream.


Dr. Langford sighed. "The M.R.I. confirms you’re not a Goa'uld."

Jackson interrupted, "Can I see Captain Carter?"

"Samantha Carter?"

"Yes!" he said jumping on his last slim hope.

"She is not in the Military. She's a Doctor,” Langford stated shaking her head at his confusion.  “Ph.D., Astrophysics.  She's attending to more important business right at the moment.” Catherine planted one hand firmly on her hip. “Don't you have any explanation for this?"

Jackson erupted, "God. No! Catherine... I-I mean Dr. Langford, no this doesn’t make any sense! I know you! I belong here! You...don't!"

"Excuse me?" Langford huffed.

"You were retired,” Daniel backtracked, trying to get her to listen to him.  “At least the Air Force made you retire! You are supposed to be at home, living happily ever after with Ernest!"

Catherine stared at him in disbelief. "What?" she gasped.

"The man you were supposed to marry in 1945," he continued, trying desperately to prove his point.


Dr. Langford stared at him, overwhelmed by the information a stranger seemed to have about her.



General Jack O’Neill’s Office

"We've only got fifty percent of the list through to the Beta site, General,” Colonel Hammond reported crisply.  “Voyager’s still en route."


General O’Neill rubbed at the corner of his eye.  God, I’m going to have to break down and take something for this headache.  I wish I had time to take a quick nap.


Dr. Langford walked in. “Excuse me.  I know you’re a little bit busy right now."

"It's alright, Catherine,” O’Neill assured.  “What is it?"

Langford sighed. "I think you should meet the young man that came through the gate, Jack."

"Now?"  Does everything have to be right now? Sigh. That’s why you get the big bucks Jack.

"How much time do we have?" Langford countered.

"Why?" O’Neill asked.  Do I really want to know?

Langford squirmed. “He... knows things."


O’Neill glanced out his window then dropped his pen back onto the desk.  "See if Ellison and Sandburg are free."  Might as well get this over with so I can get back to planning a way to try to save the world.




Briefing Room


Jackson looked up as O'Neill entered the briefing room. "Jack."

The general knew that he was supposed to be polite to guests.  He had multiple reprimands for the lack of such behavior in his record, so he clamped down on his impulse to yell at the studious looking young man before him and made an attempt at civility. "Look we’re in the middle of a situation right now. I don't know who you are, but Dr. Langford says you might be able to help us."

"Okay this is starting to get a little bit spooky.” Daniel stopped and swallowed hard, trying to hang on to his control. He met General O'Neill's gaze and continued. "Now, a few hours ago, everything about this place was different. I mean, well… no, not completely different, you’re still... you. Sort of…"

O’Neill and Langford exchanged glances.


"What can you tell me about the Goa'ulds?" O'Neill asked bluntly.

"What?" Jackson asked, completely thrown off track.

"The Goa'uld?” O’Neill repeated impatiently.  “You know who they are?" 

"Uh...yeah…" Daniel agreed, confused by the obviousness of the question.  What?  Do they think I’m stupid?

"Tell me what you know," O’Neill requested.

”Okay, now maybe I have completely lost my mind here, but as far as I am concerned we know each other, very well.” Daniel moved closer to O’Neill, oblivious to the fact that a guard was shadowing him.


God, I have to get through to Jack… “You know everything that I know! Look,” he said, pulling on his patch.  “I am a member of SG-1, with you, Captain Carter and Teal'c!”  Jackson stopped and looked around the room.  “Where… where is Teal'c?"


O’Neill frowned.


Jackson raised his hand above his head in an approximation of Teal'c's height. "Umm... big guy, gold emblem on his head, Goa'uld in his stomach, you can't miss him!" Jesus, if Teal'c's not here…

"A Jaffa?" O’Neill stammered.

"Yes! He's our… our friend," Jackson explained.

"Get this man out of here... now!" O’Neill barked, reaching the end of his patience.

Dr. Langford stepped up to the general. "How did he come through the gate? How does he know the things he knows? What about all the items he had in his pack?" she gestured toward the items displayed on the table.

This is my last chance.  God, Jack.  What can I say to convince you?   "According to Dr. Langford, you still went through the gate without me. Did you still go to Abydos with the intention of blowing up a nuclear device?"

O'Neill was shocked. “How did you know that?"

"You were willing to commit suicide, because your son had recently died. He shot himself... with your gun... right?" I'm so sorry, Jack.

”Hammond!” O’Neill bellowed out the door. “Get Ellison and Sandburg in here! Now!”  He was no longer content to wait for the men to come at their convenience.


"I swear. I didn't tell him anything," Langford defended herself.  Heads were going to roll, but she hoped hers wouldn’t be first.

"So did you still go to Chulak?" Jackson asked.

"What’s Chulak?" Langford asked as O’Neill approached Jackson.

"The Jaffa home world," Daniel stated.

"You know the symbols?" Langford asked.

"Yes!" Jackson replied adamantly.  Of course I know the symbols.  Like I would ever forget the coordinates to the world where I lost my wife.


Dr. Langford moved briskly to the table and flipped open a pad of paper, firmly planting a pen on top.


"What, you want me to write it down?" Jackson asked, disconcerted.

"Yes!" Langford motioned toward the pad and paper.

"So, if you have never been to Chulak,” Daniel said as he inscribed the symbols, “you probably never even met Teal'c."

"Teal?" O’Neill repeated.   He couldn’t imagine naming a child after a color. 

Jackson threw the pen onto the table. "No! Teal'c," he emphasized with a shake of his head. "Oh, everything’s screwed up," he grumbled, storming away from the table as he started to pace. "Why?" Daniel asked the cosmos as he paced back toward the table. "I feel like the victim of the biggest practical joke ever!"


Dr. Langford looked up from studying the notepad and motioned toward the contents of Jackson’s backpack.  "You found this on the alien planet you were talking about?"

"Uh, yeah, with the exception of the gun and the grenade,” Jackson replied a bit snidely.  “I found this lab. They’d obviously collected things that they found on different planets. There was this mirror-like slab of rock, it could have been made of naquada, the gate element, I don't know. Jack called to me, he said we were leaving, I touched the mirror."

"Interesting...” Langford murmured, playing with a silver, blue and pink item.  “What is it?" Catherine asked as she tilted the device toward Jackson.

"I have no idea," he sighed.

"You said you touched a mirror?"


"Well actually, I touched that thing first,” Daniel replied thoughtfully with a gesture toward the piece.  “It turned on… I heard a noise… that’s when I noticed the shimmering."

"Maybe this is what controls it," Langford suggested.

Daniel nodded slowly. Could be. "When I touched the mirror, there was this... this surge. It was like getting an electrical shock, just for a second. And… and then I went to find Jack, Sam and Teal'c."

"He's the Jaffa you say is on SG-1 with you," Catherine verified.

"Yes. But I couldn’t find them. It was like they were just... gone.” Jackson turned away, overwhelmed by a sudden sense of abandonment. He took a deep breath and continued. “So… so, I figured that maybe they left without me, so, I, I dialed up Earth’s address, I came through, and... you know the rest.  Is it possible that... that the Stargate... malfunctioned, or went haywire, and, and, and I came through to a totally, screwed up, different version of Earth?"

"No, I doubt that,” Dr. Samantha Carter discounted as she entered the room. “The Stargate uses space-time to create a wormhole that allows us to travel across great distances. But it doesn’t take you to an alternate reality."

“Sam,” Daniel smiled at his friend. “Alternate reality?" Daniel frowned.  Is that what happened to me? So does that mean these people aren’t my friends?

"I’m sorry, but I don’t know you,” Carter apologized then continued. “Well…basically, scientists have theorized that there are an infinite number of dimensions, each containing a different possible version of reality."

”Well it sounds like I theoretically, possibly, actually, found one!" Daniel insisted.

"One what?" Langford asked.

"What Sam said,” Jackson stuttered. “A… A… An... alternate reality! A parallel plane, I mean wouldn't that explain why everything here is the same but... different! I mean..."

Dr. Carter interrupted. "Okay, the theory is that there are an infinite number of alternate realities. Some of them are very different, and some are almost identical."

"That has to be what this is!” Daniel exclaimed desperately.  “So this isn't... my world at all…” Daniel choked out a shocked laugh.  “This is... some other dimension?"

"Yeah, but the Stargate wouldn’t cause that,” Carter interjected.

"Maybe it wasn’t the Stargate that caused it,” Langford suggested.

"So what exactly are you suggesting Doctors?" O’Neill barked, tired of being left out of the loop.

"He found a mirror, Jack,” Catherine said.  “Possibly made of naquada… on P3R-233."


"All this started to happen, after I touched it,” Jackson explained.

"P3R-233?" Carter repeated.

"What, have you been there?" Daniel asked.

"Yes," Carter replied.


A soldier knocked and entered the room. “General O’Neill, Colonel Ellison’s here.”


The soldier stepped aside to allow Sentinel Ellison to enter, and then left the room. Ellison saluted the general.  "Sorry I'm late.  I had some trouble getting away."


“Ellison where the hell is Sandburg?” Jack thundered.


Jim sighed and moved to parade rest when O'Neill only nodded slightly in response to the salute. “Sir, I left him behind,” Ellison replied.  “He’s still dealing with all the ‘ists.’  I figured I would leave him to deal with them for as long a possible."


Both men grimaced in sympathy to Sandburg’s plight.  “It’s amazing that we aren’t hip deep in them,” O'Neill said.


“No sir,” Jim disagreed.  “Not amazing, just Sandburg. He’s got them convinced that if they stay in their assigned quarters, they’ll be able to leave faster.” Jim smirked.  “They seem to have bought it sir.”  He scowled. “Well, most of them anyway.  He did have trouble with a couple of the diplomats until I told them that if they wanted to keep arguing I was going to move them all right.  Straight down to the bottom of the list.”  Jim’s grin turned a bit feral.  “They stopped arguing about their place in line and left Sandburg alone after that.”


“That’s my man,” Jack stood with a grin and gave Jim a hearty slap on the back.  “Got something for you to check out for me.  This is the guy who came through the gate using SG-1’s code.  Says his name is Daniel Jackson and he works here… but a different here.”  Jack shot the scientist a look.  "Go ahead and tell Ellison your story."


The Sentinel started to circle Jackson. Daniel turned around a few times so that he could continue to face Ellison, until he got dizzy and decided to stand still.  “Colonel Ellison?” Daniel asked with a puzzled expression on his face.  "I don’t know you.  How long have you been at the SGC?”


“Son, I’ve never been at the SG-C," the colonel emphasized the 'c.'  "And how long I’ve been working here is classified.  I doubt you have the clearance,” Jim smirked as he continued to prowl around Jackson.


“I think that you’ll find my clearance is high enough,” Daniel countered before starting to go back over his story for this Ellison guy. Ellison watched him like a hawk the entire time.


A while later, Daniel finished recapping his story and was finally able to ask some of the questions skittering around his mind. “Can you tell me more about these ‘Ists’ that you and Col… um General O’Neill are talking about?  We’ve encountered a lot of aliens on my Earth, but I don’t remember anyone called the ‘Ists.’  What planet are they from?  Are they allies? What about…”


Ellison interrupted him. “General, he’s clean.  No bugs.  Of any kind." Jim grinned at their old joke, and then continued. "He did come from P3R-233.  I’d remember the smell of that planet anywhere. And… he thinks he’s telling the truth.  So either he does come from an alternate reality,” Jim sneered, “or he’s way past ready for the looney bin. Sandburg may be able to tell,” Jim said fatalistically as he took a seat in a nearby chair.  “After all, I think Sandburg spends about half his time ‘way past ready for the looney bin’ himself.”


Fond laughter rang out around the table. It was quickly suppressed but helped ease the tension in the battle ready warriors.


“Will you tell me more about these ‘Ists,’ please,” Daniel asked as he blew off the comment about his mental health or lack there of. 


“Come on Jackson, you have to know the ‘ists,’” Ellison mocked.  “The anthropologists, the archeologists, the physicists, the rest of the scientists, and my personal favorite, the lobbyists.  Still not sure how they made the list," he grimaced then shrugged. "Maybe they were brought along to clean the latrines.”


Another round of laughter started. One that Jackson joined reluctantly.  “Okay, okay, you got me with that one," he admitted with a sheepish grin.


Their laughter was abruptly cut off as Colonel Hammond entered the room. His somber demeanor caught their attention as he announced, “We’ve lost Washington and Philadelphia, General.”


“Damn,” Ellison growled, jumping up out of his chair.  “Sir, with your permission, I’m going to check on my team.”  He really wanted to check on Sandburg.  Colonel Ellison stood at attention and waited for the expected comeback.


“Tell Sandburg I said 'Hi' and to keep his head down,” O'Neill responded as he casually dismissed the man.


“Sir, I keep telling him to keep his head down.  He doesn’t listen very well.”  Ellison gave Hammond a concerned look and a gentle pat on the shoulder before he turned and quickly left the room.  Jim seemed to recall that George still had family in Philly.  He shrugged mentally.  Sandburg would know.


“I’m sorry,” Daniel interrupted. “What do you mean by lost?”


Colonel Hammond and Dr. Carter exchanged glances before they both turned to look at General O’Neill.


Jack sighed and nodded to Carter. “Show him.”  Since Jackson apparently already knew more details than many of O’Neill’s top aides, showing him a few more couldn’t really hurt.  Who was Jackson going to tell, anyway?


Samantha led the way down the spiral staircase and out to the control room.


Catherine, Daniel, and his soldier escort followed Dr. Carter down the stairs and across the control room to a large world map attached to the wall.


Dr. Langford pointed toward the map. “Every one of those red dots represents a city that has been destroyed.”


Daniel gasped and grabbed the edge of a nearby table for support.  Most of Europe was covered in red. Russia, Africa, and… the East coast of the United States.  Oh God!  This is not my world.  This is not MY world.  This is not…


“Dr. Carter,” a male voice called out, “there’s another report coming in from the local TV station.”


Everyone’s attention turned to the television monitor on the back wall. “All military efforts to engage the alien ship have proven…inconsequential,” the news reporter stated in a strained voice.


“The Goa’uld?” Daniel asked.


Samantha nodded. “The ships appeared four days ago.” 


The news reporter continued. “As in Asia, Europe, and Africa, they have slowly, systematically been annihilating all signs of civilization.  Now starting on the East Coast of the U.S. and moving west with frightening inevitability.  There has been no response from attempted communication with these Aliens.  Thus far, they have left no survivors in the wake of their seemingly unstoppable wave of destruction.”


Jackson stood frozen in front of the TV.  Oh God!  This is not my world.  This is not my world… but it is theirs.  How can I help?


Suddenly the gate activation lights and sirens went off.  Daniel whipped around and looked at the console and then down into the gate room.  “What the hell are they doing down there?”


“Chevron one encoded,” Davis stated.  “Chevron two encoded… chevron three encoded.”


Samantha bit her lip. This wasn’t the right way to handle the problem.  She mentally urged the general to start thinking again, rather than reacting.  “Sir, isn’t our mission to get the Genesis list through to the Beta site?”


O'Neill glanced at Dr. Carter. “I think we’ll try to stop the attack on Earth first.”


“Genesis list, Beta site… What does she mean?” Daniel asked.


“Chevron four encoded,” Davis intoned.


“We’re evacuating everyone we can to another planet. World leaders, scientist, doctors,” Catherine deadpanned with a shrug, "…you know the ists…”


“Chevron five encoded.”


Daniel looked over at the man dialing the gate and saw the edge of a yellow piece of paper near the keyboard.  He moved closer and realized it was the paper he’d written the coordinates to Chulak on.  “You’re sending a nuclear weapon to Chulak?” Daniel asked in disbelief.


Jack shot the archeologist a dirty look.  “You got a problem with that?”


First Abydos and now Chulak… Jesus Jack, what is it with you and bombs anyway?  “The Jaffa aren’t your enemy.  They’re just slaves.”


O'Neill looked around the room just as Ellison entered from the hall.  The general decided to try to explain his rationale one more time. “All right, try to comprehend what’s going on here.  We estimate the death toll on Earth as 1.5… billion.”


“Chevron six engaged.”


“Who do you think are flying those ships, trying to blow up our world, hmm?” Jack asked, barely refraining from grabbing Jackson and trying to shake some sense into him.  He suspected the effort would be futile.  “You give me one good reason why I shouldn’t be striking back.”


“Chevron seven locked.”


One reason… argh… I could give you twenty.  I want my Jack back.  He would listen to me.  “They have no choice."


Jack's and Daniel's eyes locked. Understanding passed between them. The understanding that neither would, or could, fully comprehend the other's point of view.


“Send the bomb,” O’Neill commanded.


“Proceed with deployment,” Davis said into the microphone.  After the bomb cleared the event horizon, he entered the command to close the iris.  “Iris is locked.”


“Proceed with evacuation until that next warhead’s ready,” the General ordered.


“You know there are innocent human beings on most of the Goa’uld planets don’t you?” Daniel asked.


“I also know that there were billions of innocent lives on this planet up until a week ago.”  Jack glared at Daniel.  “Unless this man has more information we can use… I don’t want to see him again.”


O’Neill left the control room with Ellison following him into the hall.


“Sir,” Ellison started.


“Jim," Jack said with a depressed sigh, "sometimes I get really tired of being in command."


Ellison looked back into the control room.  “Sir, civilians are never going to understand the military mindset.  If you don’t mind me saying so, Sir… I’d avoid Sandburg for the next several hours or so if you can.”


O’Neill winced.  “Yeah, just what I need.”


“I agree with and support your decision, General,” Jim said as he tried to reassure his commander.  He looked back at the people in the control room again.  “We had to try something.  Strike back somehow.  Sir, if nothing else, you’ve given the troops hope that if we do go down, it will be in a fight worth singing about.”


“Ellison,” O’Neill said as a small chuckle was surprised out of him, “you’ve been hanging around Sandburg too long… a fight worth singing about…” he muttered as he walked back to his office.




Control Room


From his seat in the control room, Davis made the familiar announcement into the PA system, “Off world activation.”


What now? Samantha sighed.  “Close the blast doors and keep the Iris sealed.”


“Receiving a coded transmission from Air Force One,” an airman stated.


I had to ask.  “Notify General O’Neill,” Dr. Carter said before turning toward Dr. Langford.  “Catherine, make sure that Sandburg has briefed the rest of the Genesis travelers and they’re ready to go at a moment’s notice.”  She looked around at the controlled chaos of the room.  “Tell him we’re running out of time,” Samantha said as she moved over to help a nervous airman.


“Right,” Catherine agreed as she hurried out of the room.




Daniel looked around the busy room and realized that he’d lost his ‘tail.’  He spotted an unused computer terminal and had an overwhelming desire to find out more about himself in this reality.  Good thing it’s still logged in.  I doubt my password would work here.  He pulled up the search feature and typed in his name.  Jackson hesitated a few seconds then decided to go ahead and read Catherine’s personal notes on ‘him’.  Ouch, well she said I turned her down.


He toggled over to the screen with current data and read down the page as he muttered out loud to himself. “Address unknown. Phone number unknown.  No current contact information.  Last known place of residence, Egypt.  Information current as of 1997."  Jackson then looked up at the wall map and walked over to get a closer look.  “Uh oh.”


Dr. Carter looked up from the computer she was working on and walked over to join Jackson at the map.  “What?”


“I think I’m dead,” Daniel said tentatively.


“What?” Samantha wondered if the pressure was getting to the stranger.


“Not me,” he patted his chest as he tried to explain, “the me in this reality.”  He pointed to Egypt on the map.


Samantha winced in sympathy. She and Daniel both turned as Colonel Hammond came back down the stairs, followed closely by General O’Neill and Colonel Ellison.


“What’s Voyager’s current status, Doctor?” Hammond asked.


Dr. Carter replied, “The President’s plane should be about ten minutes away from Peterson Air Force base.”


“We’ve received another coded transmission,” an airman stated.


Samantha walked toward the General as she said, “relay it through the decoder and patch it through to the speaker.”


A tightly controlled voice came through the speaker. “Enemy craft… pursuit… can not evade…”


“Surface radar has them on tracking,” Davis said.


The point of focus shifted to the radar screen.  “That’s one of their big ones." Jack winced and then muttered, "They’re going to have the devil of a time trying to out-fly that ship."


Dr. Carter closed her eyes briefly in sympathy. “Look how fast it’s moving.”


The pilot suddenly came back on the air. “We’re under fire!  Help…us…”


The small blip identified as Air Force One moved across the screen trying to outrun the larger blip, but the alien craft closed easily on the President's plane. The smaller blip disappeared and the alien ship sailed blithely on.


“We’ve lost them,” Davis said softly.  “We’ve lost the President.”


“It’s headed straight for us,” Samantha said pointing at the radar screen.


“Confirm, Davis” O'Neill demanded.


“Trajectory confirmed,” Davis said tightly. “E.T.A. one minute.”


“Damn it!  The evacuation gave us away,” O’Neill fumed. "I told them this would happen.  He would’ve been safer in a damn car."


Samantha repressed a shiver. “Intelligence has confirmed that the enemy ships have the fire power to reach us even this far underground.”


Ellison added, “And we’re stuck here as long as the gate is under attack.”  


“The enemy ship’s slowing down,” Davis interjected.  “Visual tracking in ten seconds.”


“That’s one big mother of a ship,” Jim said in dismay.  He tried to think of any scenario, no matter how off beat, that would enable him to get Sandburg and the rest of the members of the SGA out of the compound alive without using the gate.


“If they fire on us, chances are we won’t even feel it," Dr. Carter informed them as she tightened the reins on her emotions. "The blasts on the East Coast were the equivalent of two hundred megaton nuclear warheads.”


“It’s not gonna to fire on us,” Daniel proclaimed.  I recognize that pattern.


“What?” Samantha exclaimed.


Daniel pointed toward the screen. “It’s landing.”


O’Neill and Ellison exchanged a pointed look.  Ellison nodded and left the room double time. He hurried so he'd be able to get everything set up and still have time to check up on his Guide.




Briefing Room


The surveillance cameras outside the main tunnel entrance showed the Jaffa assembling what appears to be a weapon.  "Looks like they’re coming in the front door, sir," Colonel Hammond sighed as he unfurled a map of the base and placed it on the conference room table. 


Well, shit.  “All right, position automatic weapons here and here,” Jack pointed to the appropriate areas on the map.  “I want men in all these halls.  We need to cut off every access to this level.”  He turned and looked at Ellison.  “Blow the secondary elevator shaft now.”


Jackson jumped slightly. “If the guys at the surface have to fall back…”


O’Neill glanced back at Ellison.  Jim rolled his eyes.  His expression stated more plainly than words that civilians had no concept of battle tactics.  The Sentinel then executed a perfect military pivot and left to start blowing up the base.  "Sandburg, you’d better be keeping your head down," he grumbled.


The General smirked briefly.  That man can say so much without saying a word.  O’Neill turned back to Jackson.  How about words of one syllable?  “There’s only going to be one way down.”  He straightened up and pinned Samantha with a hard look.  “I want all non-essential personnel through the gate to the Beta site, ASAP.”


Samantha raised her eyebrows.  She didn't consider herself non-essential personnel.  “Sir, the Goa’uld have been keeping a wormhole established from off-world.”


“That’s probably because you sent that bomb through to Chulak,” Daniel responded with an 'I told you so' tone of voice.


“The point is…” Samantha interrupted, “unless we get another window of opportunity to open the gate from here, we’re all stuck.”


“Recommendations?”  Jack asked.


Dr. Carter sighed.  Time for another rabbit. “Well under normal circumstances… when we have full power, we can only keep a wormhole established for about a half hour.  There may be a restriction on how long the Goa’uld can keep their gate active from off-world.”


“So there’s a time limit,” Jack clarified.


“Right,” Samantha agreed reluctantly.  She hated to be pushed into an answer with insufficient time to fully research all possibilities.


Jack looked around the room to make sure there were no further questions. He gave Samantha a reassuring nod and then he left.  Need to find Ellison.  There's no reason why he should get to have all the fun.




Outside the Secondary Elevator


Ha! Ellison, you’re getting a bit slow in your old age…  You haven’t gotten to this section of the base yet.  Jack placed the C-4 on the back wall of the secondary elevator. As he cleared the doors, he turned toward Major Henri Brown. “Start it up.  Give it a five count and then blow it.”


"Yes, sir!"


Jack walked around the corner and waited for the explosion.  He looked at the men surrounding him… the only missing members of SG-10 were Ellison and Sandburg.   When did I lose control?  No one used to think that I needed babysitters.



O’Neill looked back around the corner and saw a nice swirl of dust from the explosion.  Sweet.  He nodded to the team staying behind. “Good luck.  Move out.”  Jack headed around the corner and boarded the other elevator.  “Let’s go.  Take it up.”


“Yes, sir,” Major Brown said as he motioned to Sergeant Rafe to follow.


Jack grabbed his radio.  “Ellison.  About these babysitters of yours…”




Briefing Room


“The first part sounds like a derivation of ancient Egyptian,” Daniel said to Samantha and Catherine as he adjusted the volume on the tape player sitting on the table of the briefing room.


“We couldn’t recognize it,” Catherine admitted.


Daniel looked up from the tape recorder. “Oh, that’s because you didn’t learn how to speak it out loud on Abydos.”  That sounded like…  “Where did this come from?”


“It’s a deep space transmission our receivers picked up about three months ago,” Dr. Langford responded.


“So why are you showing this to me now?”  Daniel raised his eyebrows.


“Because the transmission originated from the same quadrant of space as P3R-233,” Samantha stated.  Her shrug made it apparent that they didn't think they had anything left to lose at this point.


“Where your mirror is,” Catherine added.


Boom!  Rumble, rumble, rumble.


Samantha shivered and shot a quick glance up at the ceiling.  She wondered what kind of trouble Jack was getting into.  She gave herself a mental shake to get back on track. “We went to 233 after we received the transmission, but the civilization had been destroyed by the Goa’uld.  We didn’t find any mirror though.”


What?!  It was there when I came through it.  Before Daniel could follow that line of thought, the message on the tape distracted him.  Oh wow!  I just figured it out.  He grabbed his pen and started writing.


Samantha angled her head so that she could read what Jackson had written.  “Beware the destroyers.”


Catherine sat up a bit straighter, almost bracing for the next explosion.  “Some of the 233 aliens must have sent out the warning before their civilization was destroyed by the Goa’ulds.”


“What does the rest say?” Dr. Carter asked.


“It just says ‘they come from’ but … the sentence is incomplete.  There are just some more sounds: pulses, beats of some kind.”


“Yeah, we’ve analyzed it.” Samantha bit the corner of her lip as another explosion rocked the room.  “They’re divided into groups: 3, 32, 16, 8, 10, and 12.”


“That’s six numbers!” Daniel exclaimed.


“Yeah,” Samantha agreed with the obvious statement.


“That’s a Stargate address, just without a point of origin.”


Samantha and Catherine exchanged a look of disgust.  How had they missed that?


“Beware the destroyers they come from: 3, 32, 16, 8, 10 and 12.” Daniel pointed to the paper.


“The aliens who lived on 233 found out where the Goa’uld attack originated?” Catherine wondered if they could do anything useful with the information. 


“What, like a Goa’uld home world?”  Dr. Carter theorized.


“Or at least a … a military base,” Daniel added.  “They must have assigned a number to each symbol on the Stargate.  It’s a code!” How cool is that!  I wonder if other worlds have done something similar.  “All we need to do is figure out which symbol the aliens used to represent the number one and start counting from there.”


“Well the only unique symbol they would have is the point of origin for 233.” Samantha pushed back her hair in frustration.


“But that symbol may not even be on our Stargate,” Catherine interjected.


“Except,” Daniel offered, “I have the alien gate on tape.”  Daniel pulled the camcorder out of his pack.


“What?”  He had proof and he never thought to show it until now?  Samantha let out a deep breath and rolled her shoulders in an attempt to relieve some of her tension. 


“The gate is off!” Catherine exclaimed as she bolted for the window to confirm what she heard.


Samantha turned and ran down the stairs. "Start dialing the gate for the Beta site!"


Catherine and Daniel followed closely on her heels.


"Chevron one is already encoded," Davis replied. 


Dr. Carter grabbed a seat at one of the computer terminals near Davis and started typing.  "If we can dial out before the Goa'uld can establish a wormhole, we'll be able to get out of here!"

"Chevron two encoded."


"Can they dial in once we've started dialing out?" Daniel asked, shifting his weight from foot to foot to dispel some of his nervous energy.  I'm sure that my Sam had answered that question before.  I just don't remember what she said.


Samantha glanced at Daniel.  "Yes, we have to get the seventh chevron locked in order to stop an incoming wormhole.


"Chevron three encoded," Davis stated as he mentally urged the gate to move faster. 




Level two near door A-2


"Everybody ready?" Jack asked as he walked past a group of soldiers setting up in the hall.  He was still being closely followed by members of SG-10.


"Sir!" responded one of the lieutenants.


"Let's do it boys!" one of the sergeants exclaimed.


"Right, sir!"  and "Yes, sergeant!" agreed the other soldiers.


Major Brown fumed as he took a position guarding O'Neill's back.  Dammit Ellison.  How are we supposed to keep the general safe when he insists on being on the front lines?  He motioned for Rafe to guard the flank and waited for the bad guys to come in the front door. 


The door exploded suddenly, and the Jaffa, determined to gain a foothold in the mountain, swarmed into the corridor.


Brown had time for a fleeting thought of concern for his colonel.  He'd better be taking care of himself while we are here.  He doesn't even have Sandburg to guard his back.  Henri sighed, then joined the rest of his companions as they opened fire on the Jaffa.




Level Three


"Okay men, let's get this finished up and move out.  They've already hit level two."  Jim double checked the 'surprises' they were leaving for their 'guests.'  He smiled as his team looked at him in shock.  "I can hear them.  Remember?"


A couple of the men rolled their eyes. "Sir, yes, Sir."


"Who could forget one of Sandburg's talks?" Sergeant Rodgers muttered.


"Who indeed," Ellison smirked.  "Captain, how are our supplies holding out?"


"We're running low on C-4 and… well sir, we're almost out of everything," the captain replied.


"Okay, let's hit level four, set up the rest of our traps with the supplies we have left and then get back to 28 and find out what's needed next," Jim stated. Hang in there Chief.  I'm heading your way.




Control Room


"Chevron five encoded," Davis announced tensely.


"Come on, come on, come on," Daniel murmured encouragingly as the chevrons continued to spin.


The computer suddenly stopped dialing and the words 'Incoming Wormhole' flashed up on the screen.  An alarm claxon sounded and a red light started flashing.


Samantha slammed her hands down on the console in frustration. "No!”


"Off world activation!" Davis yelled into the microphone. 


"You're going to have to make the computer dial in faster for the next time," Catherine encouraged.


"I'll see what I can do," Samantha grimaced and started digging into the dialing protocols.


"How long can the Goa'uld keep the wormhole active?" Langford asked.


Do you want me to answer questions or fix the dialing computer?  Samantha took a deep breath.  "Based on the start and end of the last activation, it looks like they can keep one established from off world for," Sam paused.  My brain is shutting down.  The math isn't that hard.  "Thirty eight minutes."


"We may not have that much time," Daniel said, stating the obvious.




Hallway, Level two near door A-2


The flare of staff weapon fire filled the hall, scorching the walls and periodically hitting a target. The SGA personnel returned fire with automatic rifles, but it was all too obvious that they were outnumbered and outgunned.


"Fall back," Jack yelled.  Damn, I thought we could hold them off longer.  Hope Ellison has his part of the plan under control. 


"Fall back," Major Brown acknowledged the order.


"Fall back!  Go!  Go!  Go!"  The sergeant encouraged his men to move beyond the bulkhead door.


"Seal it off and move out!" Jack yelled as he ran down the hall and through the closing door.


The Jaffa stopped shooting as the door closed.  They moved aside to make room for a large Jaffa in full armor.  As the helmet came down, the stern visage that appeared would have been familiar only to Daniel Jackson.  Unfortunately, in this reality, no one but Daniel thought that Teal'c could be an ally and a friend.




Briefing Room


Daniel used the VCR in the briefing room to consult his videotape from P3R-233. "This symbol has to be the point of origin," Daniel said, looking from the computer screen to the paper he had written the coded message on.  And so that would make these numbers…  He quickly filled in the corresponding symbols.


"How's it going up there, General?" Hammond asked as O'Neill walked into the room.


Jack handed his assault rifle to a nearby soldier.  "Getting the crap beat out of us.  How's it going here?"  He took off his hat, and tried to rub the smoke out of his eyes.


"I'm estimating it will be twenty-five minutes before we can try opening the gate again," Sam said.  He looks okay so far.  No serious injuries.  He looks tired.




Ellison glanced into the briefing room from the hall outside and noted that O'Neill was still in one piece.  He nodded his thanks to Brown and Rafe, and then sent Rafe off to check up on Sandburg. Ellison walked into the room with a satisfied smirk on his face, Brown waited in the hall.  "General, levels three and four are ready for company.  They were already running into the surprises on three as we left."


Jack turned to Ellison and glared at him.  "I do not need babysitters," he muttered.


Jim gave O'Neill the blank look of a perfect soldier, but he couldn't quite hide the twinkle in his eyes. "Sir?"


Jack just rolled his eyes.  I should have expected it from Jim.  Goodness knows how Sandburg puts up with him.  "Join us for the briefing and then see if you can scrounge up enough C-4 to leave some more presents for our company. Go ahead, Carter."


"Yes, Sir," Samantha continued.  "As I was saying, we believe it will be another twenty minutes or so before we can activate the gate."


"And when we do," Hammond said, "Dr. Langford here has presented us with an interesting dilemma.  She seems to think we've been handed the address to a Goa'uld home world.  Possibly where this attack originated from."


Damn, my eyes hurt.  Jack rubbed at them again and nodded.  "We'll send a bomb through."


"Excuse me?" Daniel yelped.  "Umm, I'm sorry.  I know you all think of me as an outsider here, but what good would that do?"  Daniel tried to stare Jack into understanding him.  "I mean forget the fact that it won't change what's happening here…. How do you know that they don't have some kind of iris like yours?  I mean, this could all be for nothing."


"Yeah," Samantha jumped in on Jackson's side of the discussion.  "We probably only have one shot at dialing out.  If we use that one opportunity to dial a Goa'uld world, we'll never get out of here ourselves."


Daniel hit play on the recorder.  He hoped that the tape would knock some sense into O'Neill. The video panned out from the gate, showing his Jack and Sam looking around a room.
"My God," Catherine exclaimed.


"What the hell is that?" O'Neill dropped his hat on the table and moved closer to the screen. As if I don't have enough on my plate right now. 


"My reality," Daniel stressed with a smile.


Samantha had trouble believing her eyes, "We are actually looking at ourselves in a parallel universe.  Another version of our lives that actually exists." She stopped briefly to regain her composure.  "It's incredible!"


Wow, Sam looks hot in fatigues. Jack tried to suppress a smirk. Too bad we'll never get a chance to run that little scenario. "It's supposed to be theoretical." Remember, that's what all of you scientist types said.


"Not anymore," Samantha shook her head and went on to explain. "What first began with Einstein's theories about relativity…."


"Who is this?" Hammond interrupted as he pointed at the screen.


"That's Teal'c," Daniel said with a big grin and a touch of homesickness. "Big guy…  Gold emblem on his head, and a Goa'uld in his stomach."


"We just saw him on the security camera," Catherine said in disbelief. "He's the Jaffa that led the invasion into the base."


"Well he was, and probably still is in this reality, the First Prime of Apophis. He would be charged with the most important missions."  Daniel hesitated for a moment.  "Look, this is going to sound pretty selfish, but where I come from, none of this has happened yet.  In my reality, the Earth that I know still has a chance."


"You want to explain that?" O'Neill asked.


Daniel waved the paper in his hand.  "If this address really does lead to a Goa'uld world where the attack originated, and I can get this information back to my world, maybe I can stop this before it starts there."


Samantha asked the next obvious question.  "What makes you think the Goa'uld are even going to try attacking Earth in your universe?"


"Oh, I'd say we've pissed the Goa'uld off just as much as you have," Daniel said.  "Probably even more."


"All right, wait a minute." Jack waved his hands in frustration.  "Wait a minute.  Let me get this straight.  You want us to give up what might be our last chance to strike back at the Goa'uld, so we can save ourselves in a what…" He turned to Samantha with a question in his eyes. "What?"

"Alternate reality," Samantha supplied.


"Not just yourselves," Daniel tried to justify the decision.  "Everyone on Earth!


Jack pointed his finger at Daniel.  "Your Earth."


"The Jack O'Neill that I know would do it," Daniel stated.


Isn't it bad enough to have to try to live down your own reputation?  Now I'm fighting over my rep from a different universe.  I need some aspirin.  Jack sighed.  "Well apparently you and I have never met."

"No," Daniel sighed.  He looked at Jack and wondered how he could get this O'Neill to really listen to him. 


Jack stared back.   Why do I have an almost overwhelming desire to agree to what ever this man wants? 


"I guess not," Daniel continued. "Look all I know, is that because I came here…  I've seen what can happen.  And, I have a chance… to keep this from happening to the Earth that I come from.  If you help me!"




The sound of gunfire echoed faintly down the hall.


Jim wandered away from the group gathered around the monitor.  That sounded a lot closer than it should.


Jack let out a deep sigh. "How much time, Doctor?" He turned and looked at Samantha.


Dr. Carter looked at her watch.  "Twenty-two minutes."


"Alright, so the argument is academic.  We could never hold them that long anyway," Jack stated with regret.


Daniel looked around the room for answers.  "Well, maybe we could buy some time."


"How?" Jack asked.


"Not how," Daniel replied with conviction, "Who."

Small explosions joined the sound of gunfire.  Ellison jerked around and tried to figure out what level the explosions were coming from.  The Sentinel extended his hearing in an attempt to pinpoint the sound.  Jim shivered. His legs felt weak as he was overwhelmed by nausea and a soul-deep dread.  "Chief," he whispered.  "Sandburg!" he screamed in total anguish as he collapsed to his knees.


Major Brown ran into the room, nearly bowling over the general in his haste to get to Ellison.  "Colonel?  Colonel Ellison?  Can you hear me sir?" Brown asked as he gently shook his C.O.  He toggled his radio on.  "Sergeant Rafe, come in."


Rafe's voice was slightly muffled by the sounds of gunfire and screams.  "Major… heavy fire…stupid… scientists panicked… Sandburg cut off… he shut blast doors…"  The connection was lost with one last defiant yell that was followed by a loud explosion.


The briefing room shook from the force of the detonation.


"NO!  No, please don't go," Jim begged his fading Guide as tears pooled in his eyes.  "Chief, please don't leave me." 


The Sentinel's anguish affected everyone in the room.


Jim sank into the blue jungle with relief.  He looked around frantically for the wolf.  Finally he heard a mournful howl in the distance and took off running toward his partner. 


The black jaguar jumped onto the path, preventing the Sentinel from following the Guide.


"Move cat!" Jim snarled.


The jaguar did but, only to continue to thwart the Sentinel from following the wolf.


"You don't understand," Jim pleaded.  "I have to go to him."


The jaguar morphed into the warrior.  "I do understand Sentinel, but your task is not yet finished.  You must stay until it is your time to leave."


"I can't go back," Jim whispered in agony.  "I won't go back!" he declared.  "I'm staying with my Guide."


"You may join your Guide when your task is complete.  He will await you in the jungle until then."  The warrior morphed back into the jaguar and Jim was thrown out of the jungle and back into reality.  The sound of a large feline yowl echoed in his ears.




Ellison took a breath that he hadn't planned on taking, and then slowly, reluctantly opened his eyes.  All eyes were on him. Brown, Hammond and O'Neill knelt around him, their concern palpable to the bereft Sentinel. Jim bowed his head and closed his eyes again, unable to acknowledge the dawning understanding and concern in his friends' faces.


Samantha bit her lip to try to stop the tears.  She turned and ostensibly went to get a glass of water for Ellison.  At least that's what I'll say if anyone asks.  Her hands shook as she started to pour the water. God, it looks like he's aged forty years.  And the pain…  It's like he's missing half his soul.  She set the glass down abruptly. Damn, I guess Blair was right after all.  They really can't live without each other.


Brown closed his eyes briefly, struggling to get his emotions under control so that he could try to step in as a temporary Guide to his C.O.  "Sir," he said in a voice that quivered just a little, "can you tell me where your dials are set?"


O’Neill rose slowly and stood with his head bowed for a long moment.  When he looked up, Jack exchanged looks with his second in command and then Samantha.  He glanced back down at Ellison before meeting Jackson’s confused gaze.  "Okay, I'll do it."




Level 7 hallway near door D-5


Teal'c watched the Jaffa start to assemble the weapon they had lowered through the hole from the floor above.  He then turned and strode down the hall.  The report from Chulak had been unexpected.  Rya'c was undoubtedly dead.  Teal'c's hope for Rya'c's future, and for the freedom of all Jaffa, had been extinguished.




Briefing Room


"General O'Neill," a sergeant called out as he rushed into the briefing room.  "You need to come down to the Control room, Sir.  We have something on the security monitor that I think you need to see."


"Damn. What now?" O'Neill sighed. He gripped Ellison’s shoulder briefly, then turned and ran down the stairs. 


Samantha gave Jim a quick comforting hug then followed O’Neill. 


Colonel Hammond looked at Ellison and Brown.  "Major, do what you can to help.  I'll give you an update as soon as I can."  He gently squeezed Jim's shoulder and turned away, shaking his head slightly.


Catherine bit her lip.  "Hang in there," she said stiffly.  She walked away muttering to herself, "Dear God, we've lost half the Beta site list.  Do they still have a chance of survival with so few people?"


Jackson shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "I… um… am sorry for your loss," he mumbled awkwardly, uncertain what had just transpired. He then darted after the rest of the group.




Control Room


The security monitor in the control room showed Teal'c as he walked past a door marked D-5.  He paused, looked straight at the security camera, then blasted it with his staff weapon.  The picture changed to static.


"Whoa," Jack said with amazement.  "You're kidding, right?"


"You saw the video tape," Daniel encouraged.  "In my reality, Jack O'Neill convinced Teal'c to betray Apophis to save our lives.  Teal'c gave up everything for the slim chance that we could help free his people from slavery."


O’Neill glared at Jackson in frustration.  "It doesn't exactly look like we could do anything to help him right now.  Keep in mind we just sent a bomb off to his planet.  There might not be anything left for him to save."


"Not in this universe." Daniel blew out an annoyed breath, wishing that just once one of the Jacks would listen to him without having to be talked into it.


Jack shook his head in disgust.  I knew we'd get back to that alternate reality crap sooner or later.  Damn, the gunfire is getting closer every time I turn around.  "You expect me to explain all this to him, don't you?"


"He's very smart," Daniel encouraged.  "I bet he'll understand."


"How do you know he's even remotely the same Jaffa that you know in your universe?" Samantha questioned. 


"Not everything's the same here," Catherine added.


"No it's not," Daniel agreed, "but, it is … close.  Look, I know what I am asking here.  It's insane." He paused.  "If you don't want to help me, I'll understand.  It's your lives and it's your world."


O'Neill took a quick look around at his remaining key people.  They seemed just as confused as he felt, but he could tell they all reluctantly agreed with Jackson.  I can't believe I'm going to do something so crazy.  I wonder if he runs over his Jack this easily.  "All I really have to do is buy a little time.  A few minutes to get the gate open, right?"


Catherine moved a bit closer to the general in silent support.  "The video tape of that Jaffa and you together should catch his attention."


"Good idea."  Daniel walked over and grabbed the camera.


"You're going to talk to this guy about alternate realities?" Hammond asked in disbelief.


O'Neill shot Hammond a 'you've got to be kidding' look and shook his head.


Samantha walked toward Jack.  She tried to get as close a possible without actually touching him.  "Do you really think he's right about this Jaffa?"


I'm so sorry, Sam.  I do love you, you know.  "He was right about my son."


Daniel handed Jack the camera with a grateful look.  He straightened up and said a heartfelt "Thank you."


Jack looked at the camera, then at Samantha.  "I think this is where you all wish me good luck."  He glanced around at the rest of his team… his friends.  Never have been good at good-byes.  He turned and started to walk away.


"Jack," Samantha softly called out in distress.  She walked over to him and just stood there looking at him with an expression that clearly stated, ‘I love you.  Be as careful as you can’.  "Damn PDA rule," she whispered as she tried to be the strong 'little soldier' in front of their friends.


"Public Displays of Affection are against the rules because they are considered bad for morale.  You know that," Jack said softly, trying to hide his anguish.  Screw the regs.  "Come here," he said and pulled her into a hug.  I love you.


Catherine glanced over at Daniel and noticed his shocked confusion.  "I take it they're not engaged in your reality?"


"No!" Daniel said, looking on with a stunned expression.  In his universe, they weren’t even interested in each other that way.  At least, Daniel didn’t think they were.


Samantha reached out and caressed Jack's face.  He squeezed her other hand in a silent farewell.  "Take care of yourself."  He turned and with a deep, settling breath left to go confront the enemy.  Who was it that said…'today is a good day to die?'  The man was an idiot.  It's never a good day to die.  Farewell my Sam.  I would've loved to see you in uniform.


Dr. Carter rubbed her face as she tried to regain her composure.  She needed to think like a scientist now.  The odds were that one way or another the two would be reunited again soon. 




Gate Room


Colonel Hammond paced in front of the ramp leading up to the gate.  How the hell did everything go wrong so fast?  It's been less than a week since the attacks started…and by the end of the day... some of the finest men and women I've ever served with are going to be dead…if they aren't already.  Hammond shot a quick concerned glance at Ellison and sighed. 


Jim looked terrible.  He was being propped up by his remaining team member and a couple of other soldiers.  The other men gathered around Ellison and Brown in a quiet show of support.  Everyone present had heard how Sandburg and Rafe died trying to save the rest of the Genesis group.  They knew that the Sentinel would die within the next few days without his Guide. But with gallows humor, they admitted the odds were they'd all be dead long before that.


Hammond stopped pacing and looked at the nine men in front of him.  "The enemy will most likely penetrate this level any time now," he said forthrightly.  "But every minute counts.  If and when we get the Stargate open from our end, we will retreat through it.  But until then, we must keep them away from the control room and the Stargate at any cost.  Understood?" he asked.  The quiet determination and pride in his teammates rang out loudly in his voice.


"Yes, Sir," the group sounded off resoundingly.


Hammond continued. "Your efforts and your dedication have always made me proud to serve with all of you."  He shot the first round into his weapon and walked down the ramp, stopping in front of Ellison.


Major Dawson stepped in to give his commander a few moments alone with Ellison.  "Bravo Company, move out!  Formation three… "


Major Lawrence understood the sentiment and agreed.  "Alpha team, level twenty-four."


Hammond regarded his friend.  Damn.  Ellison didn't even notice when the rest of the team left.  "Jim," he started softly. "Is there anything that I can do to help?"


Jim looked into George's eyes, his expression haunted. The Sentinel glanced around the room in confusion.  "Shit, I never even heard them leave," he said wearily.


George moved closer and squeezed Jim's shoulder in sympathy.  "I know that we don't have a clue what you are going through, but if there is anything that I, that we, can do to help… please let us know."


Jim shrugged despondently in reply.  "There's not a damn thing, George.  Not a damn thing.  I couldn't even give him a proper burial."




At the same time in the control room


Jackson fidgeted in the background as he tried not to hover over Carter.  She has enough to do without me distracting her.  Wonder who else I can watch?  He turned and focused on Walter Davis.  He's a civilian in this reality.  It seems like half the people in the control room are civilians.  That's an interesting difference.  I wonder…


Davis sat at his console and stared down into the gate room at the ten men.  The remainder of the three best SG teams they had.  "Damn," he muttered to himself, "Ellison looks like shit.  I can't believe that we're going to lose him, too.  I really didn't believe Sandburg before, but just look at the man."


Daniel jumped a bit.  What does he mean? Ellison's going to die?  He looks fine, well as fine as someone could be after losing a friend.  Why would he die?  No one seems to act like he's suicidal… But how did he know what was going on before everyone else did?


"Hey, Davis," Jackson said as he approached the man.  "How did Ellison know that his partner was hurt before anyone else did?"


"It's because he's a Sentinel… Sandburg is… was his Guide," Davis responded.


"Okay," Jackson nodded, not really understanding, and then he asked the next logical question. "What's a Sentinel?"




A hall somewhere in the SGA


The group of Jaffa worked quickly under Teal'c's supervision to assemble a cannon that resembled an oversized staff weapon.


Teal’c wondered how many more levels there were to breach before reaching the Chappa’ai.  Hearing an unexpected noise, Teal'c turned, weapon in hand, as the door at the end of the corridor suddenly opened.  "Kree-ta!"  Teal’c’s order stayed the fire of his warriors until he could determine why this slave approached.


O’Neill slowly walked into the room and raised his hands in the air.  "Don't shoot! I'm unarmed."  He took off his hat and put his hands back in the air.  "I surrender."


Teal'c walked up to the human warrior, looking him over for obvious or concealed danger.  "And you are?"  Was this a slave sent as part of a trap or other ploy?


"General Jack O'Neill, commander of this base.  You're Teal'c, right?"


One of the Jaffa yelled out in surprise, "Haga-sha!"


Teal'c held out his hand in restraint. "Aray kree," he commanded his men to remain where they were.  Teal’c did not allow his surprise to show. 


Jack glanced around at the room full of hostile Jaffa and then back at Teal'c.  "You'll be wondering how I know your name.  I've got quite a story to tell you."




Control Room


Samantha turned to Catherine. "Okay, I've got the dial-in time down another five seconds. Now all we need is for that wormhole to destabilize."


The room behind the two women was controlled chaos.  Scientists and technicians, who'd never held a gun before in their lives, were getting a quick hands-on lesson from a couple of soldiers.  The guns were accepted along with the unspoken mission: protect the base from the aliens.  The side benefit was the off chance that some people might get out alive.


Colonel Hammond strode into the room and walked up to Davis.  He gave Davis a pat on the shoulder.  "We're going to need all the help we can get out there." 


Davis took a deep breath and then left his post.  He grabbed a weapon from the soldier handing them out and turned to follow the rest of the group.  Dad, I sure hope I remember all those gun safety lessons.  Now is not the time to go shooting myself in the foot.


Hammond looked at Dr. Carter and Dr. Langford.  "We should set the base auto destruct sequence to go off two minutes past the estimated window of opportunity for us to open the Stargate.  If the Goa'ulds want this place in one piece, I intend to disappoint them."  He turned and left the control room.


Hammond almost ran over Ellison as both men tried to enter the same doorway from opposite sides.  George quickly grabbed Jim to prevent the younger man from falling over.  "Damn, Jim, you look horrible.  Would you like me to help you to the infirmary?"


Ellison attempted to straighten up and look healthy.  "I'm fine, George…"


Hammond snorted his disbelief.


"Okay, I'm as fine as I'm going to get anytime soon.  I came in to see how the civvies are doing with the firearms training and to check on my men… um man…Fuck," he trailed off.


George gently tilted Jim so that he was vertical again and then led him to a chair.  "Hang in there, Ellison."




Catherine moved to the main dialing keyboard for the gate as Samantha started to activate the destruct sequence.  Catherine entered her code and the computer started the count down.


"Destruct sequence activated," the computer-generated voice intoned.




A hall somewhere in the SGA


O’Neill hooked Daniel's camera up to a computer monitor and played the video for Teal'c.  Man, I hope this works.


Teal’c had no recollection of the events depicted by the human’s device, no matter how much he might wish them to be true.  Teal'c growled, "What sort of deception is this?"


Jack paused the tape, freezing the image of Teal'c and himself standing together.  "I know it's a little hard to believe… but, you guys are pretty advanced. You must know this… alternate reality thing is possible, right?"


"I do not," Teal'c stated firmly. 


Damn, well it's still worth a shot.  "Well then, how did this Daniel guy know your name?"  Jack asked.  Still a bit wary of the surrounding Jaffa, Jack kept his movements small but sincere.  "He says the guy in this video… you, I guess in his world, hates being a slave to the Goa'ulds."


Teal'c looked deep into Jack's eyes. This human warrior could not possibly know Teal’c’s most closely-guarded secret, yet he had just shown evidence of it to Teal’c and his Jaffa.  "Lies," he proclaimed, turning his back on the human and moving slowly back toward his wary Jaffa.


"Look, I know this sounds… insane, but you have a chance to change things in his world.  We just need a little time, that's all," Jack tried to appeal to the warrior in front of him.  "This guy, Daniel, says that the Teal'c in his world is a good man.  That he betrayed the Goa'uld for a chance to free his people.  To free his family," Jack emphasized.  "Your wife.  Your son, Rya'c."


Teal’c’s outrage was visible only in the stiffened spine and narrowed eyes, but anger surged in response to the attempt to use his dead son as an inducement. "We received word from my home world.  You sent a weapon of destruction there, through your Stargate."


Oh damn… Jack cringed a bit and closed his eyes, muttering, “Daniel told me that bomb was a bad idea.”


"My people… My family, are dead."  Teal'c walked over to the staff weapon cannon and aimed it directly at Jack. 


Jack said a quick prayer and sent his thoughts and love toward Samantha.  He hoped he had bought the others enough time.


Teal'c glared at O’Neill one final time.  He discharged the weapon in revenge over his loss.




Control Room


Catherine sat at the keyboard, typing furiously.  "Four minutes.  You two better get into the gate room."


"Catherine," Samantha protested.


"No arguments, Doctor.  They need you at the Beta site," Catherine stated firmly.


"What about you?" Daniel asked.


"As soon as I start the dialing process, I'll join you.  Go!"  Catherine stopped typing and turned to look at the other two people left in the control room. One was a good friend, the other, a bit strange, but he had potential.  Both were too young not to get a second chance at life. Catherine would do her best to make certain they got that chance


Samantha gave Catherine a determined look that said Catherine had better join them.  Then stood up and prepared to escort Daniel down to the gate room.


"If this mirror really is a doorway between our dimensions, I might be able to send help from my reality," Daniel paused, "or even have you come through to my Earth."


"Wait a second," Catherine interrupted.  "If that device you brought is a remote control to the mirror, then you may need it."


"Go ahead," Samantha said to Jackson.  "I'll get it."  She turned and ran up the stairs into the briefing room.


"Thank you," Daniel said sincerely to Catherine.


"You helped reunite me with Earnest in the other world?" Catherine asked.  Daniel nodded once in acknowledgement.  "I guess in the grand scheme of things," she continued dryly, "we're even."


Daniel stood and stared at Catherine for a moment, taking one last glance at the almost mentor who was so much like the Catherine he knew.  Daniel smiled as Catherine glared at him and made shooing motions.  He turned and started walking toward the gate room. The sound of gunfire got closer, urging Daniel to start running.  The lights flickered briefly as he ran into the gate room.  He turned, looked back at Dr. Langford, and wished she could hurry up and get that thing going so they could all get out of there.  They were running out of time.




A hallway on the twenty-fourth floor


Colonel Hammond shot off another round at the Jaffa down the hall. He scowled as another member of his team fell to a staff blast. He popped back out from behind his cover and fired again.


"Fall back, Colonel," Davis urged.  "We have to fall back!"  They were running out of ammo.  He bit his lip to hold back a pained scream as he got hit with a blast from a staff weapon, not wanting to distract his friends from their own defense.  He fell over and quickly lost consciousness.


Damn.  Damn, damn, damn.   These are good men, this shouldn't be happening.  Not here, not now.  Hammond took a quick look around and noticed two things.  One, he was the last human left alive on this floor, and two, his gun was out of ammo.  He quickly reached down in an attempt to reload one last time. It was a mercy that he never saw the blast that killed him.


The Jaffa walked over the dead and mortally wounded as they advanced ever closer toward the Chappa'ai.




Gate Room


Daniel alternated between watching the gate and watching Catherine.  He worried his lip with his teeth.  Even I can tell we're running out of time.  He looked back at Catherine again.


"Two minutes," Catherine yelled encouragingly into the microphone.




Briefing Room


Samantha glanced around at the eight Jaffa that had her surrounded.  Well, hell.  She slowly raised her hands.  The control device for the mirror was in one of them. "I surrender!  I have information that can help Apophis.  There is technology he will want to know about.  This," she wiggled the device, tilting it toward the Jaffa, "is a remote control to an inter-dimensional portal.  I can tell Apophis how to find it," she added sincerely.  Not that she had any intention of actually doing so.


"Masha – tre-ak!" one of the Jaffa said.


Samantha slowly held out the remote with her left hand as she reached back for the grenade on her belt with the right.  "Thank you," she said as one of the Jaffa took the remote from her.  I'm sorry Jack.  I don't see any other way out of this.  I love you.  She moved her left hand behind her back and pulled the pin from the grenade as she raised her hands again and said, "Oh yeah. I also wish to blow us all to Hell."




Gate Room


Daniel glanced at the gate and then up into the control room, where Catherine continued frantically typing instructions into the computer. 


"Time’s up!" Catherine called out into the open microphone.




Control Room


A loud explosion came from the briefing room above.  Smoke and flaming debris surged down the stairs into the control room.


Catherine ducked as damaged electrical wiring in the stairwell shorted out, sending more sparks and smoke into the control room.  Oh God!  Sam…  I know she had a grenade, but I've never seen a grenade do that before.




Gate Room


Daniel was stunned.  These weren’t technically the friends he knew, but their deaths still hurt.  His grief was interrupted by the loud explosion of a staff weapon as it blasted a hole in one of the steel doors protecting the gate room.  Oh shit!  Time's up all right.  Ours!


The wormhole suddenly shut down.  The silence from the Stargate was almost lost in the sounds of fighting all around, but Catherine noticed and started the dial up sequence immediately. 


Daniel's attention was split between the gate and the control room. "Come on," Daniel urged.  Suddenly the door at the opposite side of the room, the one not currently having holes blasted out of it, opened.  Oh Gods, what now?


Colonel Ellison strode in to the gate room.  He was in full gear and loaded for bear, or in this case Goa'uld.  He glared at the hole being enlarged in the door across the room from him, then turned and used his keycard to re-secure the door through which he'd just entered.


Ellison looked awful.  Daniel sighed in sympathy over the man's obvious grief.  However, he’d never been so happy to see anyone in his life. 




Catherine glanced at the self destruct countdown, then opened the iris.  She shrugged.  The gate would dial out successfully, or not.  Either way, everyone left at the SGA would be blown up.  She triggered the switch to close the blast shield that protected the control room window.  It was time to make a break for it.




Daniel saw Catherine rise from her chair just as a group of Jaffa breached the Control room. The Jaffa aimed their weapons at Catherine.  She raised her hands in surrender as the blast shield slowly shut, blocking Daniel's vision but not his imagination.  Catherine, I'm sorry.  He turned and looked at Ellison.  "How can I help?"


"Stay out of the way and get ready to run as soon as that gate opens," Ellison commanded.  He started to take shots at the Jaffa through the opening that they were creating in the door.  Ellison’s vision was spiking so his aim wasn't as accurate as normal.  He could really have used help from his Guide.


The computer-generated voice came over the base speakers, "Auto destruct in… one minute."


The hole was enlarged by another blast from the Jaffa.


Ellison took advantage of the larger opening to take out more of the Jaffa attempting to enter.  "You are not getting in here," he growled.  There were only a couple more chevrons to go before an outgoing wormhole could open.  Ellison fired off a few more shots and then saw one of the Jaffa taking aim at Jackson.  In a move that would have made his football coach proud, Jim tackled Jackson to the ground. 


Daniel groaned as he rolled out from under Ellison.  "Thanks.  Why'd you do that?"  Jackson sat up and moved closer to Ellison.  "Hey, are you okay?"  He shook Jim slightly causing the Sentinel to roll to one side, exposing the large hole in Ellison's chest.  Oh…Oh no!  So many dead.  He was shaken out of his despair by the movement he caught out of the corner of his eye.  He rose to his feet as Teal'c entered the room through the smoke-filled doorway.


Teal'c pointed his staff weapon at the last human between him and the Chappa'ai.  He focused his anger and readied his weapon.


In the background that annoying voice continued its countdown. "Auto destruct thirty seconds."


These humans were almost a worthy adversary.  Teal’c’s eyes narrowed as he took in the rumpled appearance of the scared human in front of him.  This was the one O’Neill called “Daniel.”  The one from an alternate reality.  The one O'Neill said had opposed the destruction on Chulak. Teal'c blinked.  Was it possible that there existed a world, a universe where Teal’c fought to free his people? A universe where Rya’c still lived?  It was worth the chance.


The gate activated as the wormhole was established.


Daniel had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.  He looked at the wormhole and back at Teal'c.  Everyone else in this world had been pretty similar to those in Daniel’s.  He didn't have anything left to lose.  He took off running for the gate.


Teal'c watched the young human for a moment.  If this “Daniel” vanished back to his alternate reality, no one would know of Teal’c’s complicity in his escape, especially if Teal’c appeared to attempt to stop him.  The blast from a staff weapon would also encourage him to stay on his true path.  Decision made, Teal'c carefully aimed his staff weapon at Daniel's arm.


Jackson moved slightly off center as he approached the gate, so the blast hit him in the shoulder instead of the arm where Teal'c had intended. Daniel still had his forward momentum, so he fell through the wormhole instead of back down the ramp.


"Chel'nok, young human," Teal'c said softly. You are going to need good luck.


One of the Jaffa in the control room was able to get the blast shield open.  He looked down at his leader then continued trying to find a way to stop the coming explosion.  Other Jaffa ran into the control room, seeing no enemy to fight, they stood waiting for orders.


The computer voice was once again heard over the base speakers.  "Auto destruct in… ten seconds." The wormhole shut down.


More Jaffa entered the control room.  Some from above, the rest from doorways on either side.


Teal'c looked at his warriors.  They had performed well.  He sighed and looked back at the empty Chappa'ai.  Maybe my alternate self will have more success.


The countdown continued down to zero and the room was filled with a bright white light.






Daniel fell through the gate and rolled down the steps.  It took a couple of tries, but he managed to push himself to his feet and, with a cough, stumbled off toward the mirror room.


The gate shut down.  There was no one else behind him. Finally something had gone right and… horribly wrong at the same time.  He grabbed his injured arm in an attempt to keep it immobile as he ran.  It's scary how much first aid knowledge I've picked up. Please let this work!  He coughed again.  To his relief, the mirror was still activated.


Daniel stumbled over to the mirror and hesitated a moment before touching it.  Please let this work.  I want to go home.  Back to where all my friends are still alive.  He reached out, touched the mirror, and felt the now familiar electrical shock.  Daniel let out a deep sigh.  The shock, combined with the pain from his wound, locked all of his muscles into one giant spasm.  Immobilized, Jackson fell to the floor with a cry of anguish.



Sam looked around the darkened main room as she, Teal'c, and a group of search and rescue people from the SGC continued to look for Daniel.


O’Neill strode in and requested a status report.  "Any luck?" he asked hopefully. 


Sam and Teal'c walked over to their commander.  All three members felt the distinct lack of their fourth.


"Nothing," Sam stated as she tried to contain her own doubts and fears.


A cry of pain pierced their anxious silence.


The remaining members of SG-1 immediately turned toward the sound and headed in its direction.


Jack was moving before his brain realized the voice was familiar. 


Teal'c also recognized the sound and followed closely behind his team leader.


What? We looked in there!  Sam's brief confusion left her bringing up the rear.


They tracked the sound back into the lab and saw Daniel lying on the floor holding his arm.


"Daniel!" Jack exclaimed in relief and dismay as he slid to a stop on one knee beside his friend. He dropped his weapon, grabbed Daniel and started to pull him into a hug before he noticed the wound. "What the hell is this?"


Teal'c looked at it in puzzled confusion.  "It appears to have been caused by a staff weapon."


Sam leaned over Daniel to check him out and noticed something yellow in his hand.  She carefully pulled out a very crumpled piece of paper and unfolded it.  "This looks like a Stargate address!"


Jack dismissed that mystery for later, recovery of an injured team member took priority.  "All right, let's get him back to Earth."


Daniel's muscles unclenched and he tried to sit up, panting hard with the effort.  "No, Jack.  We're all in very big trouble!


Sam and Teal'c exchanged a confused look. 


"They're coming!" Daniel panted, almost hyperventilating from the pain and his memories of the last few hours.  He attempted to take a few deep breaths.  He had to get under control before he passed out. Daniel looked at his friends.  He suddenly knew without any doubt that he had found his way back home.  "They're coming," he gasped as he closed his eyes and fought to make more sense.  The relief he felt drained the last of his adrenalin rush and he lost consciousness, sinking into the arms of his friends.


The end.


Please let me know what you think, I love feedback. Cheryl


