A Cascade Times Halloween *Finish On Your Own* Story Thingie Doodle

By JudyL

October 31, 2003

This challenge gave everyone the same starting point, then we finished with our own twist. The teaser ends at the asterisks.



Rustle. Rustle, crinkle, rustle, squoosh.

"Sandburg. Chief.. Blair, what the heck are you doing?"

Crinkle, rustle, crumple, ploof.


Startled surprise. Quick thinking. "Did you say something Jim?" Studied innocence.

A long sighing breath. "What is that noise you're making?"

"Noise? What noise? Are you sure your senses aren't acting up again? 'Cause really, no
problem man, I can maybe work out some new exercises for you if you'll give me a minute here.."

"Sandburg, no, I'm not buying that. You're making enough racket to wake the dead, let
alone busy, overworked, protector of the tribe sentinels who are supposed to have a day off to
sleep in. Now gimme and let me see what you're doing."


Rustle, crinkle, crumple, screech!

"Ah, no, Jim, I don't think that's a good idea. Don't come in."

"That's it Sandburg. Open this door or I'm gonna break it down."

Silence. Rustle, rustle, crumple, rustle. Sssshhhhh. The bedroom door opens. "What do you want, man? I'm a little busy here."

"What are you doing, Chief? I'm trying to get a little shut eye here and it sounds like you've got the entire gift wrapping department at Sears working in your room."

Blair glances quickly over his shoulder and then back at his Sentinel. "It's nothing, Jim. Don't worry about it. I'll try to be quieter. Go back to sleep." He tries to push the door closed and fails miserably due to the rather large foot belonging to his partner that is blocking the way.

"Outta the way, Sandburg." Jim pushes past his Guide. Ssssshhhhh. Rustle, crumple, crinkle. "What the?"

A sea of orange and black paper bags covers the floor. Three large shopping bags sit on the bed. A quick peek, after wading through the paper bags shows the bags to be filled with individually wrapped candies, small palm-sized stuffed animals and assorted party favors.

"Chief, what are you doing?"

Blair shrugs then sighs as he looks at the mess in his room. "I sorta got volunteered to help with the children's Halloween party at the hospital." He ran a frustrated hand through his already mussed curls. "I'm supposed to be making the grab bags, but things got a little out of control."

"NO! Really?" Jim asked rolling his eyes.

His Guide nodded forlornly. "I'm supposed to have them over to the children's wing by 1pm. With my classes and helping you down at the station, I kind of forgot until this morning. I really hate to disappoint all those kids." Blair scooped several bags off his desk chair <crinkle, crunch> and plopped into it.

Jim regarded his friend for a few moments then took a deep breath as he looked around the room. "What you need, Chief, is a plan of attack."


"You're too disorganized here." Jim picked up one bag. <rustle> "See, you've got two animals in this bag, but no candy. All you need is a little system and we'll get this done in no time."

"We? Are you offering to help, Jim? What's the catch?" Blair asked suspiciously.

A smile twitched Jim's lips briefly before he marshaled his expression. "Well, there might be a little catch."

"I knew it!" Blair stood <rustle> and took the bag from Jim. <Crunch> "What do I have to do? Scrub the bathroom with my toothbrush?"

Jim chuckled, unable to hide his amusement any longer. "Naw, Chief, all I ask is one home-cooked meal of you." He pushed some of the bags around to clear a spot on the floor <rustle, rustle> and sat down to begin stuffing the bags. <rustle, plop, rustle, plop>

"One meal? That's all? I don't get it Jim. You could have asked me to cook for two weeks and I would have said yes."

"Geeze, Sandburg. Do you really think I'm that big of a troll? I mean, this is for the kids, right?" Blair nodded. "So, I want to help."

Blair watched his friend stuffing the grab bags for a few seconds then grinned. He grabbed the bags of goodies off the bed and joined Jim on the floor.

Crinkle, rustle, plop, plop.

After a few minutes both men looked up at the same time and smiled.

"Happy Halloween, Chief."

"Happy Halloween, Jim."



Feedback is a lovely thing, please let me know what you think. Judy
